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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld / Christoph Pelargus


For international students as well as for our German students who want to get familiar with 'the physics language of the world' the Physics Department provides lectures, exercises, and seminars in English. 

This offer generally concerns advanced courses of the master programs in

  • physics
  • biophysics
  • nano science
  • mathematical and theoretical physics

The M.Sc. program regarding Mathematical and Theoretical Physics can be studied entirely in the English language ("international track").

In addition, many specialized courses which are closely connected to the research activities of the department are regularly taught in English. This includes, for instance, Theoretical Biophysics, Physics of Nanostructures, QCD, Advanced Statistical Physics, Lattice Field Theory, Hydrodynamics, Non-Equilibrium Physics, Semiconductor Physics, and several others. In addition, some special lectures preparing e.g. for the B.Sc. thesis are frequently taught in English. Furthermore, we offer a rich program of lab courses.

While the introductory physics courses in the bachelor phase are being taught in German, exercise sheets and exams in English can be arranged on request. A complete list of upcoming courses can be found in the electronic database eKVV (English and German). There you also find courses from past semesters, which may give you an impression of our course portfolio.

If you need more details, for instance if you want to join us as an ERASMUS+ student, please email Dr. Armin Brechling (armin.brechling@uni-bielefeld.de) with your inquiry.

Our ERASMUS+ representatives can be found here

Contact person

Dr. Armin Brechling


+49 521 106-5456
UHG D4-240

For suggestions for improvement or errors on this page, please email homepage@physik.uni-bielefeld.de.

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